Our journey first began March 2004, when I found my way online, in search of a new and more exciting way to reach out and meet other ladies (moms) who were struggling to find their niche' while working at home. A lovely gal I had met through a yahoo group had suggested a site called Ryze and sent me the link. With some apprehension, I nervously found my way to the keyboard, one finger at a time, typing in my very first url. Although I did not think that this would produce any sort of rewards or help me overcome the obstacles I was having in my life, I gave it a try....
As time progressed, I realized that networking online was a whole different atmosphere and that along the way there would be some people who would put a face of sincerity and compassion, while quietly sitting in the background, willing to do just about anything to gain the success they wanted. With every change that I had to make, with every trial I had to endure, I found myself wanting so much to just give up, even with the faith I had and encouragement from so many, the realization that my dreams might not come true. Not one for ever giving up or facing any obstacles that life may put in my way, I decided that I would fight for what I believe in, push forth those trials that blocked my way and continue on the journey! Thus, this is how it all began...
The creation of T.E.A.M.Mom! actually came about sadly, through malicious circumstances, brought upon us by others, including some Ryze members too. Trusting souls that we are, I never thought that anyone would actually steal our very concept, let alone our names we came up, right from under us! Not being educated enough to the legal aspects of copyright, trademarks and registrations, we were literally left in the dust with no grounds to stand upon. Since than, I have taken every precaution, thoroughly researched all avenues/names/concepts and am happy to say we are the one and only T.E.A.M.Mom! (this concept/spelling) out there!
We originally started as "The Broker Team" (way back in 2004) with just myself and my sister Michelle (one of the original founder's of T.E.A.M.Mom!), to only have to change the name, when we found out the we could not associate our Ryze page with the company we were involved in, we simply became "The W.A.H. Team" (2004-2005). When we (my sister and I) dissolved our partnership, I began the journey of reinventing myself and my purpose for being here, but for a 3rd time. As members of my family, friends, came and went, our name, mission and purpose evolved yet to another path on our journey.
Blossoming into "The M.O.M. Team!" (2005), we extended ourselves to include friends from Ryze, changed our format and began to work on a permanent foundation. This too would not last! Once again, our ideas, even the name, were pulled out from under us and we were forced to take yet another detour. Undeterred, filled with sincere determination, I searched out within my own heart, whether or not this was the road that I was to placed upon and took a few weeks off to find my answers.
The holidays rolled about, with it, the promise of new tidings, greater adventures for the new year to come, so with Bible in hand, I sat the ringing of 2006 in prayer, looking for a final answer to where and what we should become! When I awoke, teary eyed, unsure, my eyes beheld an article devoted to helping build your down line with a strong team base, thoughts began to scurry about me, "Could I possibly do this?" As I pondered and ran through all the reasons why I could or couldn't go forth with this new found vision, it suddenly dawned on me that I was not alone, that I all the support I needed to make this leap of faith.
Phone in hand, I called my mother Kathleen and shared with her all my ideas, thoughts... while visiting with her, I decided to drag my sister Michelle into the gabbing (as she was the reason why I joined Ryze in the first place) bouncing all sorts of ideas about. Once we had all come to some sort of agreement, I feverishly began the complete undertaking of changing everything: the name, the page, our mission. After many days of hearty chatting (til 1, 2 even 3am), some tears, laughter, changes, we finally came to the end of our journey.... a new concept, a new name and a new year!
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